Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Prophet Redux

Northern prophets  Hosea 8th C  and Amos 8th C coming fall of northern kingdom variously called Israel, Ephraim, Samaria

Early prophets 8th C  Isaiah, Amos, Hosea and Micah

Pre-exilic prophets who prophesied before and during the fall of Jerusalem   Jeremiah, Baruch, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Nahum,  Habbakuk and Zephaniah

Exilic prophets Daniel,  Jeremiah though he didn't go to Babylon, Deutero-Isaiah

Post exilic prophets   Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Obadiah, Trito-Isaiah  Re-read Ezra and Nehemiah as additional context for these prophets and re-read 2 Kings for a refresher on Elijah

Prophets who prophesied about the fall of Assyria (Nineveh) in 612 B.C.    Jonah

Obadiah might be considered post-exilic and Joel lacks sufficient information to be placed

Assyrian power  800s B.C.
Fall of Samaria at hands of the Assyrians  722 B.C.
Assyria falls, Nineveh  612 B.C.
Babylonions  700s B.C.
Rise of Babylonians 600s B.C.
Fall of Jerusalem 597 B.C.
Final Sacking of Jerusalem 587 B.C.